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Becoming a Lion

What is it about the opinions and judgements of others that can stop us dead in our tracks?




I so remember this growing up. High school. In my 20’s and 30’s. My choices and decisions in my life, while my own, were always weighed with that “what will they think?” Questions like “is this the right decision for me?” We’re always put out into the “tribe” (whom ever your tribe is or was.) to see what they thought. Sound familiar?




Somewhere along the way I knew this was no longer working for me. I was exhausted, taking care of everyone and everything EXCEPT myself. Sound familiar?




If we are ever going to truly show up and be seen in this world it has to start within! Being “independent of the good opinion of others” allows us to truly get to know ourselves. Alone. Just you. Who are you? What is your purpose here? We identify ourselves based on our roles in life. Mother, daughter, sister, friend, doctor, lawyer, teacher etc. but that’s not who we are, that’s what we do. 🤔




So who are you? Without your tribe? Why are you here? 🤔. Deep? Yes! Isn’t it time for a shift of your own? Are you ready?







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